Just wanted to give a brief (LOL) account of tonight's evangelism encounters. This was the 1st year that I have used the Halloween night as an opportunity to evangelize. I know, shame on me!
My wife and kids went with me to our main street where all the trick-r-treaters hit the main businesses, and we set up a table on the corner.
We followed many of Rob-roy's ideas and bought the biggest candy bars we could find. I also loved an idea from Linda Essary which was to give out smaller candy to the little kids and anyone who wanted it... but for the big candy, to have older kids and adults pass a simple test. Yep, you guessed it, no small talk about hell, or life after death, we just plunged into the GP test from the get go, and no one even flinched.
Well, my wife reminds me of one mom who had her own ideas of sin, hell and judgment, and insisted that all kids are innocent. I don't know what planet she lives on, but she was the only one who walked away and refused to listen to the Gospel.
We had several good conversations. One with a young lady named Adrianna who kept looking more and more convicted as the Law and her conscience did their work. She was visibly upset, and concerned, and expressed that she had never heard the Gospel expressed like that before. Her family had already moved on, and she stayed to hear the Good News and I pray that she repents, and trust Jesus tonight.
Another young man about 15yrs old named Paul, was also moved in conviction. Although he said in answer to the question "when are you going to do something about your situation?", "SOON" I think he saw the seriousness of his sin.
Was also able to go through the whole L&G with 2 paramedics while seated in their ambulence who both claimed to be Christians. Was able to give them HBKS CD's as well.
Overall, had a great night and was able to give the Gospel to probably 10-12 groups of people in a couple hours. I was blessed and excited to go out.
I sense God really pushing me to plead with people and to let them see His love and the urgency of their situation. It is such a privilege to be able to share Christ, isn't it?
Prescott Tomorrow
Heading to Prescott tomorrow for witnessing at the Court House. Excited to have 2 opportunities in 2 days. Lead on O King Eternal!
Praise God
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