Monday, October 13, 2008

Feeling Stale Led to Visit to Local Bar (Javelina Crossing)

Feeling a little Stale

I decided to be rebellious on the way home tonight.

I had only handed out 2 tracts this morning at the post office and was feeling a little stale.So, I stopped at the Javalina Crossing, which is the only bar in town. It is Friday night, so the tiny parking lot was packed. That is about 7 cars or so.

I was able to hit every patron and the bar maid with a MDB, about 12 people in all. Had to go the back room to hand out the last 6 or so as they had a serious poker game going. It was weird, everyone was so thankful. I didn't really plan on witnessing, but just wanted to see the reaction, and to get tracts into the hands of people that probably won't be coming through the doors of our church any time soon.

More than a tract adventure

As I was turning to leave, there was a man coming out of the bathroom, and I handed him a MDB as well. He looked a little familiar, and said that I had already given him one. Sure enough he had come to the church a week or two ago for a food box, and I gave him one then. I asked him if he had read it and he said not really.He was glazed but not drunk so I figured, why not? I shared the Law and Gospel with him at the end of the bar.

He knew he was going to hell, but didn't really seem concerned. When he insisted that dogs were people too and would be in heaven, I wrapped it up and left him with his conscience. He also had a problem with Jesus being God, which isn't surprising. Trying to reason scripture with a buzzed guy in a bar probably isn't the smartest thing I've done today, but it was a challenge, and they're people too.

Pray for Bob if you think of me. I'll probably run into him again, as we live in a pretty small town.

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