How would you Introduce Christ to a room full of people?I received an e-mail from a friend today named Rob-Roy. He is a frequent evangelist on Mill Avenue and and saint who's heart aches for the lost of our troubled times. I am not going to comment on his post, but simply allow you to see it as it was sent. It is powerful and worthy of our attention. Please make sure you read his comments after watching the video. I hope it affects you as it did me.
I have had a video of Steve Harvey sent to me by multiple people as a “forward” that has become very popular in Christian circles. I appreciate it being sent my way by brothers and sisters in the Lord I love dearly. Perhaps you have seen it? The emails that have been forwarded have introductions from other people at the bottom of the forwards to the video such as:
“WOW!!!!!!!!! This was totally awesome!!!!!!! Not only the intro but the crowd reaction!!!!!! This is Steve Harvey, a comedian, addressing a secular audience. The subject is: "How Would You Introduce Christ to a Room Full of People?" It's hard to imagine that this is a comedian and not a preacher, and this is an audience and not a congregation. It must have been at the end of his routine, because...well, you'll see.”
With that kind of set up watch the video and pay close attention to what is and is not said when introducing Christ.
Now that you have watched Steve Harvey do his introduction please allow me to step out on a limb. Almost everyone I know loves this video and is moved by it. What I am about to write puts me in danger of really turning people off that I care about. That is not my intention. My intention is to honor Christ and in that regard I submit the following observations to prayerfully consider.
First let me say that his introduction was very emotional and moving. Secondly, I think the question is an important one. How would you introduce Christ? Is there a wrong way? Is every introduction equally valid no matter what the content?
How we introduce Christ says a lot about us. Jesus asked "Who do you say I am". He also said if people do not believe He is who He claimed to be they will die in their sin.
Regarding Steve Harvey’s intro of Christ, like much of modern Christianity there was something very important missing. Did you notice what that was?
It was striking to me that the central accomplishment of Christ was not mentioned at all by Steve Harvey in his introduction. We should not leave out the most essential part of the first coming which was the Cross and the conquering of death and sin. Even the people of Jesus time cheered him for his miracles and accomplishments. But then crucified him within the same week.
The very reason that Christ came, the Cross, was missing from the long list of accolades in Harvey’s intro. It is also missing from many churches, many messages and many souls. May we never become distracted from the central message of Christ but be determined by His grace to preach the Cross and Christ crucified for the forgiveness of sin. Too much is at stake to leave out the most important part.
This may sound harsh but Satan hates the cross. And because it was missing from Steve Harvey’s intro of Christ I believe Satan was satisfied that Jesus ultimate work and demonstration of love was left unspoken. As Christ looked at the multitudes with compassion and emotion it is important to consider the same concern for a crowd on the video that hears of a Jesus that does not include the very reason He came to earth. To save sinners and call them to repentance at the Cross in demonstration of amazing grace. P
aul was determined to preach and know nothing but Christ and Him crucified. It is sad to see so great a salvation neglected and missing. And even more so that it’s disappearance has largely gone unnoticed.
I pray that in our proclaiming the name of Christ that we honor Him by never leaving out the purpose for which He came and the purpose for which He will return. Judgment day is coming soon and the Savior came that men would repent and have faith Him, that they would not perish in Hell but have everlasting life through Christ alone. Oh what a gift His grace is. And oh what a terror it is to die apart from His mercy and fall into the hands of the living God.
On that day when the second coming does occur He will be introduced by his Angels with the sound of a trumpet, flaming fire and in a robe covered in blood as every knee bows and tongue confesses Him to be Lord. Although for most it will be too late there is still time for those you care about that still have breath. Go share the words of life with them that they may have a real introduction to the only one who can save. Our Savior Jesus Christ who is rich in mercy, forgiveness and love. And whom will bring justice and judgment to those who refuse to turn to Him for salvation.
Love, Rob-roy